Tuesday, March 18, 2008

You can't judge a book by its cover

I had a table of three, and they were a little bit bizarre... no offense to them if they read this... but they were... kind of particular in the way they ordered, and apparently they were kind of odd about how they asked for a table in the first place... one of the guests sitting on the floor in the hallway while the others smoked, instead of just coming in.

I thought it would be a table that wouldn't make me a lot of money, since they all ordered water and really seemed to scrutinize the prices. Turned out, they just were really dedicated to getting exactly what they wanted! They ordered drinks later, and were very appreciative of me ensuring they had what they needed.

They left very nice tips and the following notes.

I like these ones the most, and are the main reason why I started this blog.

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